Did positive pregnancy news take you by surprise? Well, that is only the beginning. Get ready for another surprises when you become a father for the first time.
1. She hates your smell
Don't get offended if your pregnant wife start to complain about your smell. She'll feel physically ill whenever she near you and can't stand your odor. Don't even be surprise if you have to sleep in separated rooms! It's not that she hates you but that's what happen during pregnancy. Women's sense of smell during pregnancy increased and they become more sensitive and reactive to the scents around them. As a supportive husband, be patient with your pregnant wife. Try to go easy on the fragrance, and offer her with those scents that makes her feel much better like mint, lemon, and ginger.
2. She smells bad
During pregnancy, you might notice that she has this strong vaginal odor. Pregnancy will increase her estrogen level. Hence, the production of mucus will increase and thus more vaginal discharge. According to BabyMed, the body has another increase in vaginal discharge when the pregnancy reaches the final weeks to help the baby ease out during labor. Vaginal odor that once smelled normal may smell differently due to hormonal changes. Telling your pregnant wife that she smells bad will hurt her feeling. But there's no way she can find out about it until you discuss with it her. She will understand if you explain kindly and gently. If shower regularly "down there" or change panties regularly ain't subside the odor, it's time to see the doctor because strong odor maybe sign of vaginal infection.
3. She crave unusual foods
There's no specific explanation about those unusual cravings during pregnancy, but again hormonal changes is to be blame. During my second pregnancy, I made my husband ran out of home in the middle of the night to get the foods I craving for.
Kuih Terang Bulan, Image from JunnyLyana |
I don't remember anymore what the foods I was craving back then, but I remember I used to eat a lot of "kuih terang bulan" which bought from a road side night stall. I ate them, like almost everyday. But today I can't understand myself back then, how could I be a such tolerant, bought such foods from such places. I usually don't eat or bought foods from road side stalls for hygienic reasons. Lucky me, I never really had weird food cravings. But I heard from my mother, there're cases of weird food craving during pregnancy which include an urge to eat chicken poop (yuck, that's gross!). Another weird craving is for dust or uncooked rice.
4. Physical changes during pregnancy
Physical changes is common during pregnancy. Old fashioned weight gain and growing belly is normal. But that changes are discouraging for some women. And due to hormonal changes (again), pregnant women will develop dark line or blotchy areas of darkened skin on neck folds, underarm, and inner thigh. This changes made her felt unattractive and her self-esteem lowered. For some women, pregnancy delivers gorgeous hair and rosy cheeks. As a husband, it is important that you communicate to your pregnant wife, telling her how beautiful she is. She'll find comfort in you as you shows to her that you still find her attractive. Letting her know how great she looks really help to build her self esteem and self confidence. Maybe you can show your love to her by bringing her favorite book.
5. Unexpected Mood Swings
Pregnancy causes hormonal swings in women's body. At one moment she's happy, at other time she's prone to crying, and can be very aggressive at times. She herself don't understand her own feelings, but that is completely normal part of pregnancy. More4Kids suggested father-to-be to stay calm and show her love and respect. Communicate with her to learn why she feels the way she does, and repeat it back when she tells you, so that she knows you're really listening and that you understand what she's going through.
If you've already experience other "pregnancy surprise", we'd love to know: how you deal with the situation? Share your story in the comments.
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